Black and Pink
Ever since Audrey Hepburn donned an LBD in the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the colorless cocktail dress has become a classic
wardrobe staple. Coco Chanel introduced it in 1926, and the little black dress has become the epitome of timeless fashion. It is the answer to every "What should I wear ..." question. From cocktail parties to holiday parties to class reunions.
LBD is my favorite xxx. I have so many of them in my wardrobe. I have to say I love wearing unusual clothes and this outfit is not going to be any different. I feel quite lucky to be such a small girl, so this time I am wearing a size 14 t-shirt which I got in Baden, Vienna when I was visiting my friend Veronika. The T-shirt fits me like a glove and it looks like the perfect LBD for my figure. The Black and Pink oversized cardigan is size 12 is nice and cosy which is perfect for Irish weather. A few months after I got my cardigan I found these amazing Primark sandals and the match perfectly. The Handmade earrings are perfectly playing 2 roles of earrings and necklaces too.
wardrobe staple. Coco Chanel introduced it in 1926, and the little black dress has become the epitome of timeless fashion. It is the answer to every "What should I wear ..." question. From cocktail parties to holiday parties to class reunions.
LBD is my favorite xxx. I have so many of them in my wardrobe. I have to say I love wearing unusual clothes and this outfit is not going to be any different. I feel quite lucky to be such a small girl, so this time I am wearing a size 14 t-shirt which I got in Baden, Vienna when I was visiting my friend Veronika. The T-shirt fits me like a glove and it looks like the perfect LBD for my figure. The Black and Pink oversized cardigan is size 12 is nice and cosy which is perfect for Irish weather. A few months after I got my cardigan I found these amazing Primark sandals and the match perfectly. The Handmade earrings are perfectly playing 2 roles of earrings and necklaces too.
Od tej doby čo Audrey Hepburn mala LBD ( Little Black Dress / Male čierne šaty) vo filme Raňajky u Tiffanyho, čierne koktejlové šaty sa stali klasickou súčastou každého šatníka. Coco Chanel ich predstavil v roku 1926, a malé čierne šaty sa stali stelesnením nadčasovej módy. To je odpoveď na každú "Čo si mam obliecť ..." otázku. Od kokteilovej party na dovolenke cez oslavy az po triedne zrazy. LBD je môj obľúbený kúsok. V mojom šatniku najdeš veľa rôznich LBD. Musím povedať, že rada nosí nezvyčajné kombinácie a tento outfit nebude ničim iny. Som veľmi nizka a myslím, že mám šťastie, tak tentoraz som na sebe hodila veľkosť L tričko, ktoré som kupila v Badene vo Viedni, keď som bol na návšteve u priatelki Veroniki. Toto tricko mi padne ako uliate a vyzerá ako dokonalý LBD pre moju postavu. Čierno ružovy over-sized sveter veľkosti L je velmi útulný a ideálny pre írske počasie haha. Niekoľko mesiacov potom ako som si kúpila sveter som našila tento úžasný par sandálok a tá súhra farieb zo svetrom je jednoducho perfektná. Ručné vyrábané náušnice hrajú 2 role= náušnice ale aj náhrdelník.
Dress/ T-shirt: Flame (similar here)
Shoes: Primark (similar here)
Cardigan: Primark (similar here)
Hand bag: Primark (similar here)
Earrings: Dottyholly
Mas aj ty svoj oblubeny LBD?
You you have your favorite LBD?
Love Gabi xxxx
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