60's Vibe
I wish I was born in 60's. The fashion growing in this decade just inspires me so much. Amazing top
models from the 60's like Jean Shrimpton, Audrey Hepburn, Tura Satana, Monica Vitti, Mary Quant, Elke Sommer, Romy Schneider, Gina Lollobrigida inspire me everyday.
I met Gina in 1999 in my home town in Slovakia at a popular film festival call Art film. Even back then I was already in love with her style.
models from the 60's like Jean Shrimpton, Audrey Hepburn, Tura Satana, Monica Vitti, Mary Quant, Elke Sommer, Romy Schneider, Gina Lollobrigida inspire me everyday.
I met Gina in 1999 in my home town in Slovakia at a popular film festival call Art film. Even back then I was already in love with her style.
But the 2 most influential icons in my life are Twiggy and Peggy Moffitt. I am always inspired by their hair styles, the color blocking in outfits and the glam which is glowing out of every picture they ever shoot. Even today they look stunning and amazing to me.
Chcela by som žit v 60tych rokoch. Módna rastla v tomto desaťročí a dnes má veľmi inšpiruje. Úžasné top modelky zo 60tzch rokov, ako je Jean Shrimpton, Audrey Hepburn, Tura Satana, Monica Vitti, Mary Quant, Elke Sommer, Romy Schneider, Gina Lollobrigida ma inšpiruju každý deň.
Ginu som stretla v roku 1999 na populárnom filmovom festivale 'Art Film' vo svojom rodnom meste na Slovensku. Už vtedy som bola hotová z jej štýlu.

The 1960s featured a number of diverse trends. It was a decade that broke many fashion traditions, mirroring social movements during the time. In the middle of the decade, culottes, go-go boots, box-shaped PVC dresses and other PVC clothes were popular. The widely popular bikini came into fashion in 1963 after being featured in the musical Beach Party.
Mary Quant invented the mini-skirt, and Jackie Kennedy introduced the pillbox hat, both becoming extremely popular. False eyelashes were worn by women throughout the 1960s, and their hairstyles were a variety of lengths and styles. People were dressing in psychedelic prints, highlighter colors, and mismatched patterns. The hippie movement late in the decade also exerted a strong influence on ladies' clothing styles, including bell-bottom jeans, tie-dye, and batik fabrics, as well as paisley prints. (wikipedia)
To be honest I got this dress for cheap while it was on sale and I was absolutely amazed with the price. I just feel I can wear this dress for so many occasions. A few weeks ago I wore this dress for my boyfriend mother's 60th birthday party in the Malton hotel in Killarney. I have to say, I got lots of compliments and I felt like the queen of the night.
Aby som bola úprimná, tieto šaty som kúpila veľmi lacno na vypredaji, a bola som úplne ohromená cenou. Pri pohlade na tieto šaty mám pocit, že ich môže nosiť na mnoho roznych príležitostí. Pred niekoľkými týždňami som sa rozhodla si ich dať na seba. Moja svokruša oslavovala 60te narodeny a tieto šaty my pripadali viec než vhodné pre túto party. Oslava sa konala v luxusnom hoteli Malton v Killarney . Musím povedať, že som dostala veľa komplimentov a cítila som sa ako kráľovná noci.
Aby som bola úprimná, tieto šaty som kúpila veľmi lacno na vypredaji, a bola som úplne ohromená cenou. Pri pohlade na tieto šaty mám pocit, že ich môže nosiť na mnoho roznych príležitostí. Pred niekoľkými týždňami som sa rozhodla si ich dať na seba. Moja svokruša oslavovala 60te narodeny a tieto šaty my pripadali viec než vhodné pre túto party. Oslava sa konala v luxusnom hoteli Malton v Killarney . Musím povedať, že som dostala veľa komplimentov a cítila som sa ako kráľovná noci.
Dress: Primark (similar here)
Shoes: vintage
Hat: handmade
Ring: river island (similar here)
Handbag: Primark (similar here)
Blazer : Dunnes stores (similar here)
my actual look with my boyfriend for his mum's 60th B-day
Primark dress
Forever 21 shoes
Vintage necklace ( from my great grandmother)
takto som to skombinovala na oslavu mojej skoro svokry.
Primark šaty
Forever 21 topánky
Vintage náhrdelník (od mojej pra pra babky)
xxx Love Gabriella
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